Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Paper Craft How-to: Silver Paper Rose

 Step 1: Cut out your leaves and petals, ranging from small to large.

Step 2: Roll up the smallest petal
Step 3: Glue the petal in place
Step 4: Fit the petals around getting larger and larger, then gently fold them outward.

Step 5: Roll up a long rectangle of paper for the rose's stem, and make a little cone at the end to recieve the rose.
Step 6: Instert the rose in the end of the stem.
Step 7: Score the leaves with a hobby knife to make them looke more realistic.
Step 8: Wrap the leaves around the stem to finish the rose.

 Ta da!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Tall Troubles - Mont Marte Cartoon Clay Capers Ep. 15

Paper Craft How-to: Kid's Stencilling Circus Tent

Keeping with our circus theme, this week we're using paper to make this funky big-top stencil!

Start by drawing up your design on fluro card. Make sure to leave wide enough gaps between cut-out areas that the paper will hold!
Cut out shapes with hobby knives.

This is what our stencil looked like.
Press the card down over whatever surface you want your design on - tape in place if you're worried it will move.
Gently dab your colours onto the stencil using the stencilling brushes, making sure to use a sort of stabbing motion, rather than sweeping, to avoid brushing the paint under the stencil.
Ta-da! The big top rises!

The best thing about stencils is you can use them over and over again - great for decorating!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Nicknames - Mont Marte Cartoon Clay Capers Ep. 14

Paper Craft How-to: Kids Circus Themed Diorama

Start by cutting out of construction paper the different kinds of performers you want in your set. You can draw whatever you like and then cut it out, or take stock images or clip art and use their silhouette.
Hang your characters inside the box with craft glue, tape, or even string.
Cover the opening of the box with colourful construction paper, leaving a flappy doorway to peek in through.
Two rows of simple silhouettes in dark paper suffice as audience members.
There's lots of fun to be had, peering in the little doorway and shining a torch like a spotlight on the performers!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Paper Craft How to: Origami Whale

Start with a square piece of paper and fold it in half diagonally.
Fold the corners in to the centre line, then do the same with the new corners created by the fold.
Pull the inside corner down and lay flat, as shown.

Fold the point on the left side up, and the point on the right side across to the right (inwards), as shown.
Flip the paper and fold the bottom point up to the middle.
Fold part of the sides in, as shown. Then, fold inwards down the middle and sit up on the long edge.
Pull the fins out a little, to stabilize the whale.
Fold the bottom corner up to make his tail.
Attach some googly eyes on either side of his head, a little smile and you're done!

Show-er Biz - Mont Marte Cartoon Clay Capers Ep. 13